lördag 21 september 2013

Farmers Market

After a glorious first day yesterday at my new part time job I've been tired all day today cause the cats caused to much noise last night so I could'nt sleep!

Nevertheless, I got my self outside the door to the farmersmarket the is every saturday this fall and bought some vegetables. They allways taste better then the once in the store.

My plan was this weekend to write more lyrics to another song that I'm in, but with the lack of sleep I have a non-functioning brain at the moment.
I have been drinking coffee and eating properly today so I hope it'll all be over tonight.
I'll be working for a few hours tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it!

This is a collaboration I made with dslamcracker on soundcloud: Morning Breaks
I wrote the song and he composed the music. I love the way it turend out!

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